Fun game to improve your quick Thinking ability and communication skill | Games you can arrange in your class to improve communication skill of students.

Learning and fun games to improve quick thinking ability.

Hello guys, 
If I ask you a question that" A person's name is formed by the first letters of five consecutive Months, what is his name?" 

As a normal human being, it will take you around 2-3 minutes to solve it along with pen and paper. Don't worry you are similar to more than 75% people.

To answer this kind of question we really do not need to be a genius or complete Engineering, Just we need to develop a quick thinking ability, In another word we need to sharpen our mind. Well the answer is "JASON"

Why this skill is necessary?
Frankly speaking, If your goal is to live happily with whatever you have, then you will not need it. However if you want to get your dream job, start a business or Startup, then you need it the most.

Almost in all kind of Interviews, there are some questions asked which are based upon situational based. To answer these questions wisely, you need to improve your quick thinking ability.

How to develop this skill?
You can develop this skill by various methods like:
  • Creating High-pressure zones: There is always some tasks or situation in which you do not want to put yourself in, no matter how important that task is. But if you think those situations as opportunities like a successful person, then you will find that how much you can learn from those situations. Also, you will learn how to act in that situation, situation handling skill and much more. Sometimes we should do few things without preparation if there is no such serious harm. Maybe that's why adventure is so famous!
  • Asking yourself random questions: We all talk to ourselves when alone. Then why not ask some questions that come randomly in our mind and answer that.
Those questions may be like:

  1. What will I do if someone very stronger than me whom I do not know misbehaves with me? 
  2. What should I do if I hit someone by my car unintentionally? etc
These two questions came to my mind randomly so I told you. You can also ask yourself questions according to your situations.

  • Telling your friend(good friend) to ask some random question: Because we can always think and question yourself according to our conditioning. So, to think critically, we need the indulgence of someone else. And who will be better than your friend? So, While talking to your best friend you should ask him for such favor. Believe me, it is very interesting.
  • Playing some games designed for this purpose: There are also some games available which may help you for this thing. You can know more about those games reading below.
Now, as I have stated above about some games, So I will also tell you some of the games you can play with your friends or also individually to develop quick thinking ability or quick response ability.
  • Flip- Flop: This is an interesting game which is played during personality development program. In this game, you will be given a topic. When the game starts, you have to speak in favor of that topic, However, when you are told to flip, you have to start speaking in against of that particular topic. This game is very funny also. You can play this game along with your friends also. But one person has to speak at one time.I can tell you some of the interesting topics that you can use for this games are:

  1. To be with a serious student is fun.
  2. SRK should get Bharat Ratna.
  3. Cricket is the biggest waste of time.
  4. Sports should be made compulsory in all colleges.
  5. I am the best suited in my class for being a Hollywood star.
  6. Should Virat marry Anushka Sharma?
These are the topics having one thing in common. All topics have positive and negative content. Anyone can speak in both favors and against of these topics. You can also choose topics according to your choices like:
  1. Should I date a topper girl?
  2. Marks are important to be successful etc.

  • Picture analyzing: Another fun game you can play with your friends to enhance your thinking skills is Picture analyzing. In this game, you have to watch an image and talk as much as you can about that picture. You can talk about various things like:

  1. The contents of that image.
  2. The message inside that image.
  3. The feelings behind that image etc.
This game enhances your creativity as well as how can you think out of the box which is very necessary to be a successful person. Go to this link for some of such pictures

  • Collateral Damage: This is a kind of adventure for some students. In this, everything goes impromptu, Means without preparation. In this game, Someone like your teacher asks one person to stand up and talk something about one of his friend indicated by the teacher himself. Now both have to speak about each other one by one. They can tell any interesting trip, any event, party, study, anything they know about each other.
I like this game personally because you do not know that about whom you will have to talk.
It improves your presence of mind and situational thinking ability.

You can play these interesting games to improve your personality also from the inner mind which will be helpful all along your life.
Hope it will be helpful to you, If yes, please like and share this. Please tell us what game do you liked and why? in the comment box.
At last thank you for reading this post. Have a nice day.
