When we are preparing for board exams or any competitive exam, We really need at least 6-8 hours of self-study and even more if exams are near. It is very difficult to manage time for study when we have to attend classes or do some other work during the day. That's why we have to decide to study in the night as well.
As a human being, we need at least 5 to 6 hours to sleep so that our body function well. And due to this, it is difficult to study in the night.
So today I will tell you some of the useful tips which you can use to study at night effectively.
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Study at night |
Problems during the study at night and what is the solution?
- Availability of the options: The main reason that we can't study night and we feel sleepy is the Interest. We always have options that, I will study tomorrow, or I have so much time to complete it etc, and after this, We go to bed.
Eg- When you have to prepare for your exam and you have just two days left, you can easily study whole night without any interruption.
So, whenever you are planning to study at night, tell your mind that this is only the time to prepare and do not allow any thought to come about procrastination.(cause when thought comes in mind, our mind starts finding solution and we end up procrastinating that task)
- Unpractical Goals: What happens to us is- We watch some motivational movies or videos and make a timetable to finish the study of one week in a single night.
First, you have to take small steps so that you can complete those easily. When you complete study each day, you will be self-motivated to study more and more.
So, make a habit of study not more than two hours in the first week.
- Feeling sleepy: Now, the next problem, As soon as we start reading, we feel sleepy.
As I told you that you must take at least 6 hours nap. So, to avoid feeling sleepy during the night, you should sleep in afternoon for at least two hours. It will give you physical strength to wake up at night.
If you are feeling sleepy even after sleeping in afternoon, then stand up and start walking.
Some tips for effective study at night:
- Cold water rather than tea or coffee: Many students finish more than 5 cups of tea or coffee for waking up in the night which is not good for their health.
You should keep some cold water beside yourself and consume that in some time interval. It will help you to stay awake and good for your health as well.
- Proper lighting in the room: We do not take care of these things but slowly it affects our eyes and we get tired soon. Make sure to have good lighting in your room.
- Music and study: Like that, I don't believe that anyone can focus on the study while listening music, However if you are habitual of doing that, not an issue.
You can listen to some speeches and some motivational songs which you like. You can find some of them easily on the youtube.
It will keep you energized and help you to stay awake and study.
- Eat early and less: Eating dinner late night is bad for health. You should eat less dinner and at least one hour before starting the study.
- Fresh air: Keep your windows open while studying to allow some fresh air enter to your room.
- Breaks: Take breaks after studying every one hour or 50 minutes. The brake should not be longer than 10 minutes.
You can take a longer break of 20 minutes after studying for 2 hours.
Note: A big No to social media and TV during breaks. Try to walk, listen to soft music, some breathing yoga etc, It will make your mind fresh.
- Change study Position: Study walking, sitting on the table, standing on the balcony, changing your study position after sometimes again and again will maintain your interest to study in the night.
Use your bed only for sleeping not for studying otherwise you will not realize when you got to sleep and wake in the morning directly.
- Changing study style: It also helps in continuing the interest. Try to study by reading, writing, watching video lectures, shift from studying theory to solve numerical etc, It will keep you attentive to your study.
Start early and finish early, Personally, I will suggest you study between 10 pm to 2:30 am. This will be the best time to study cause if you will study late, you will wake up late next morning and your half of your next day will be wasted.
So, guys This is the end of the article, I hope you find it useful. Please tell me how you like the article in the comment box below.
If you have any suggestion or query, you can write in the comment box as well.