How to utilize free time as a college student | Things you can do in your free time.

Things to do in your free time as a student

Well, this is a good sign that you are searching for utilizing your time cause, most of the people spend most of their free time talking to their bf/gf, spending hours on social media, or criticizing about some other people.

Yes, you can utilize your free time optimally and it will help you in many ways, like- developing your personality, increasing confidence, independence, knowledge, and most important, it will make you unique.

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Here are some of the ideas I can share with you! if you know more, pls do share with me as well:

  • Work on your weakness:
If I have to give you one advice, I will tell you to work on your weakness first. We all know that what are the things we are not good at, which is important for us right?
It may be anything like:
  1. English speaking
  2. Stage fear
  3. Social anxiety
  4. Communication skill
  5. Operating computer or anything.
You should work on these things first.
  • Learn a new language:
You can learn new languages like English, German, French etc according to your need or interest. you can learn it on youtube for free.

Researchers have already proven that learning a new language increases the mental powers and make helps to make new connections of neurons in our mind.
  • Explore the Internet- (find new things)
Well, Internet has a lot to share with all of us. Various of new opportunities, Fun, strange places and what not?

You can always find some new things on the Internet of your interest. Use it positively to Enhance your knowledge.
You can use the Internet to find: 
  1. New places using google earth map
  2. New interesting people(who has experienced something unusual)
  3. New educational websites
  4. New Research
  5. New technology
  6. New events nearby you etc
  • Reading: 
Well, do you know that most of the successful people even like Mark, steve jobs, warren buffet and much more give their part of the precious time in reading?

Reading is the best way to learn, know, grow. By reading we came to know and also get the experience of the authors.

I know reading is very difficult for most of the people, But once you will feel the joy of getting the priceless knowledge of experienced and successful people, it will be an essential part of your life. So, just start it.

What are the Things you can read in your free time as a student?
Well, Apart from your textbooks, you can read following things to make your life better:
  1. Self-help books
  2. Biographies of successful people
  3. Blogs of toppers
  4. Some study blogs
  5. Personality development books etc.
  • Part-time job (online):
If you are pursuing some courses which do not require more hours to invest, and you need some money for you or your family, then you can do some part-time job as well.

For some people like in India, the Part-time job is seen as a small work, If you also think the same, you can do online part time jobs as well, just be aware of spammers.

Online money making part-time jobs:
  1. Freelancing- Completing various tasks for your clients.
  2. Data Entry jobs
  3. Article writing
Just one suggestion- Be aware, cause almost 75% of these jobs providers are fake. Take advice from genuine people before starting this type of work.
  • Making Youtube Videos:
These days this hobby is famous among school and college students, they make videos (funny, educational, pranks, technology etc) and upload it to youtube. They earn money from it and sometimes get famous as well.

If you have also something to tell people would like to know or teach them, you can also try.
  • Part-time Blogging as students:
Blogging is another way of sharing knowledge with people and get paid for it. Millions of people are blogging in their free time and making lots of money from it.

You can share your thoughts in form of articles on your blog(free and paid both) and earn money in your free time.
  • Writing poems/shayries/short stories:
Some of us love to write stories and poems, if you do the same, you should write some poetries and short stories and share it with your friends and social media.

Who knows? someday you will be also a great writer as Chetan Bhagat? Or at least your creativity will be increased.
  • Painting:
Painting is a beautiful way to express the creativity and thoughts. A good painter is known for expressing her/his thoughts through paintings.

You can also do paintings and drawings in your free time, it will increase your creativity and give you internal peace and happiness.
  • Teaching:
Well, Teaching is the best way to clearing your doubts. When you teach your friends and siblings, or your juniors, they will ask so many questions and when you will answer them, your own doubts will be cleared.
Benefits of teaching:

You can teach the poor children around yourself for social development. It will give you self-confidence.
  1. Retaining capacity is more than 75%
  2. No need to revise again and again
  3. Better focus on the study while teaching
  4. Clear all your doubts
  5. Help you to be more expressive
  6. Improves your speaking skill
Also, if you can teach, you can record your video and upload to youtube and earn money as well.
  • Group discussion:
Who doesn't like to talk to friends? but what if we talk something positive and increase our knowledge while talking to friends?
Set a time and a topic with your friend(good friends) and tell them to come with some research and have a positive group discussion.
I always used to have a group discussion with my friends. It will improve your speaking skill as well as your stage fear.
  • Give Presentations to your family/friends on daily life:
We all have to take or give a presentation in our school, colleges and in the corporate world as well. Giving a presentation in a casual way in front of your friends and family is a great way to improve your presentation skill, speaking skill and also your stage fear.

I know it is very difficult for shy people like me. But you can start with some easy topics like:
  1. Which food should be cooked today?
  2. Is government is working properly or not?
  3. Should kids be given the permission to use the mobile phone or not? etc.
In the starting, it may be difficult, but after sometimes it will be a part of the fun.
  • Learn new activity/follow your passion: 
Well, as we all want to learn something, like in my case I always wanted to learn how to play guitar.
In your free time, you can learn various activities like- skating, painting, Acting, singing etc.
  • Make origami: 
Origami is an art of paper folding and making something great out of it. It is a kind of creative activity you should try.
  • Science experiments:
We all have studied simple science in our high school. There are a lot of simple, easy and cool science experiments you can try to learn some practical science and hopefully, you will enjoy it as well.
You can find hundreds of simple science experiments on youtube you can do at your home.
  • Solve puzzles/ Brainstorms:
Solving puzzles and brainstorms is a very great way to use your time and boost your brain power as well. 
  • Do some Research:
If you are also interested in some topics as I am like paranormal activity, space, science experiments, technology and want to know more and more about these topics, then what are you waiting for?

Go and do some research, read some blogs, websites and watch youtube and share with your friends what you know, This is a great fun you are going to get.

  • Connect with some useful people:
There are always some people available on the Internet who can help us achieve our dream, and the best part is, the Internet is giving us a platform like a facebook, twitter, etc,

Find the people of your interest and follow them to know more about them, to get some knowledge from them stay updated.
It may be a sports person, the chairman of a company, or the Entrepreneur.
  • Ask Questions on Quora: 
I personally like quora very much. It gives you the platform to ask anything(literally anything) you want from so many experienced people around the web.

If you are also a shy person, or you do not know more people, it may be the great place for you. go and join quora today.
  • Prepare for your college fests: 
As participation in college fests are important in many ways. Then why not prepare for it in advance?
You can be the expert in your activity/sport you are going to participate in if you work in advance.
  • Work on your body and mind: 
You can join a gym, or exercise, do yoga to make your body and mind power. A good body and mind both will make you attractive and intelligent as well.
  • Be the topper:
If you want to increase your performance in your class, you can do some extra things which can help you in your study like:
  1. Watch video lectures on youtube
  2. Watch a video simulation of different processes.
  3. Ask your doubts on quora etc.
  • Learn some behavioral techniques:
If you want to improve your social life, then you can learn how to behave, how to think, how to approach and so many things. 
It will help you to improve friendship, relationship with your parents and most important, it will change the way of your thinking.
You can learn these things from:
Motivation is needed to find the real potential for yourself. You must watch some motivational videos but not depend on it for all of your work. You will get hundreds of good motivational videos on youtube.
  • Watch Interviews with your mentors: 
It is a great way to learn from your mentors/ideals. Search for the interview or the blog of your mentor where they share there knowledge and experience and try to understand and follow then in your life also.
  • Future planning/goal setting:
Future planning is here is meant by the planning of your goals. The course of actions which are required to achieve that goal.
  • Self-exploration:
We always listen to motivational videos that "know yourself, your strength and weakness" and much more. Your free and the silent time would be the best to do such things and the best part is, you do not need anyone else with you for this.
  • Learn about technology:
We all need technology these days. Wether you have to book tickets, pay bills, recharge, fill online application etc, you should have the knowledge.

If you do not know something which is useful, you should learn that in your free time. And again youtube is the best way to learn everything.
  • Join and contribute and Committee/NGO:
If you are a social person and want to do something for your society, then you should join an NGO.

Almost every college, or town has some committee like it. Find them. If your place does not have one, you can find various online NGO as well in which you can contribute to work for them.

Final words:
Keep one thing in mind, we all have only 24 hours a day and believe me it is more than sufficient to do anything you want. Just you have to use most of it you can.

I have tried to list out some of the ideas you can try in your free time but of course there are so many still unlisted. If you know one, please let us know in the comment box. 

Tell me in the comment box, which one idea you like the most and what do you do in your free time? Please do share this with your friends and family. At last, thanks for reading.

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