Useful tips for a better seminar/presentation in school/college| Dealing with public speaking Fear

Making your presentation best in class
Do you have to give a presentation in your school or college? and you want to make it better than others? then you have reached the right place. In this post, I will try to discuss some of the beautiful ways you can make your presentation best in your class.

This is true that it takes to much courage to speak in public right? But somehow we all have to go for it. You have to realize that by keeping few things in mind, you make get too much intention from your teachers and your friends as well, which will make you famous and smart little more.

So, here we start the tip one by one:
  • Nervousness: According to researchers, almost 75% people have this common problem "Fear of Public Speaking". But not necessarily we would be able to see right?
Keep in mind that, It is not about Being nervous, it is about whether you show it or not. If you look confident, It will give your presentation a boost.
  • Mind your personality: People generally do not pay attention to those guys who look dumb. So, you should dressed properly before the presentation. I am not saying that you will have to be the formal only, However, you can be semi-formal depending upon the uniform of your school/college. 
  • Opening and closing: Generally it has been seen that people stop giving their attention to that thing which is not able to convince them in first few minutes. So, it is very necessary that you start your presentation in a very interesting manner to your audience.
It will help you to take presentation further smoothly and confidently.
  • Know your audience and what they like: This is very simple, if you are giving a presentation in the college, then you probably know almost all your mates and the interests that they have. So, take advantage of this and select the topic that may be interesting to others. 
Also, if you know your audience better then, the chances of getting nervous is very low which will help you to perform better.
  • Find something valuable: This tip is for those guys, who have to decide their own topics for the presentation/seminar. It is very important to select the topic wisely. The topic should be new, important, and interesting such that people must keen to listen to you further.
you can take help from your seniors, teachers and online also. Experts are also present online like ""  And other communities online.
  • Make engaging contents: As I have stated that, people will stop giving their attention to you and your presentation also. So, it is also necessary that your content should be such engaging that people would not be able to think about avoiding your content.
Now, there are few tips, you can make your content engaging like:
  1. Using a nice Power point
  2. Using small animation in your ppt
  3. Using small videos etc.
If your audience has to read the only plain text, then they will get bored.
  • Interact with the audience: This is the unique way to make your presentation best in your class. At some certain stages, you should talk to your audience. You can talk to your audience by these beautiful techniques:
  1. Use story telling to explain some of the topic/points
  2. Ask a question and challenge them, if they know the answer.
  3. Making them curious listen to your presentation by introducing your presentation in a good way.
  • Use the data and numbers: Data and numbers are such part of the content of your topic such that it makes your audience believe that, you know much about the presentation. Also, it will make your presentation more realistic and valuable to the person listening to your presentation.
Well, google is the wonderful source of collecting such type of data. Also, you can take help of certain online forums and ask the experts.
  • Use audio-visual contents as well: This is a part of making engaging contents for your presentation. It is very easy to get the attention of your audience by using audio visual contents in your presentation.
Also, it will give you sufficient time to think about your presentation, how can you make your presentation better or fix the problem if any.
  • Forget about the Performance: Now after all your hardworking and the efforts, this is not necessary that your presentation will go well until you will take care one thing! i.e "Performance" 
The more you think about the performance, the more will be not able to focus on your presentation. So, once you start delivering the presentation think only on your contents, and how can you make it better instead of thinking that you are a loser, nothing would go well or anything else.

So, friends, I hope that now you would have understood the important points you can use to make your presentation or the seminar best in your class.

At last, if you have any suggestion, then please let our audience know that by commenting in the comment box.
Tell us, what unique technique you use during your presentation/seminar. And do not forget to share the post.
Thanks for reading this post.
