Secret study tips for student to score high in the exams

Secret study tips for Student to score high in the exams

Secret study tips

Guys, for various reasons like getting admission to good colleges, to pursue your dreams, or get your dream job, etc we have to really score very high in exams. No one going to ask you that how talented you are, they will first ask your score. if your score is not much then you will be disqualified at the first round.

On a serious note, We are not saying that to be talented you have to score very high but, for your dreams, and sometimes to show the society in their way we have to score well in exams.

so one thing is sure that scoring in exams is very important, so today we will share some important tips, which can help you in scoring in your exams.

  • Self-confidence for learning any of the topics: 
Guys, have you ever thought that why toppers are able to learn every of the easy and tough topics very easily? this is because they have confidence that they can learn that.
Learn to be confident, so you have to stay confident while learning that what you are learning is easy and you will get that. you have to just give required time on that topic. 
  • Consistency: 
Not only on the study but in every field, you have to be consistent in order to be successful. But if we talk about the study then it plays an interesting role. Those guys who want to remember the thing which they have been studied so far they have to revise and study regularly for that.
Now when we talk about regular study then students think that they have to study for many times but. believe me that if you have studied well then it will take almost 10% of the time taken in studied that. so it is not as hard as you understand. Just try it once.
  • Listening: 
When we listen to teachers in class, then almost  (80-90)% hard work is reduced to understand any topic. if you will try to read a topic then you will be able to understand that very easily.  
along with this teachers tells us that important thing which helps you to understand the topics, remember the topics and also they share their experience related to the topics.

A most important thing. you should also listen to your friends because they can tell you the techniques they built to learn a topic. Because the understanding level of your friend and you is almost the same and the doubts will be also the same, he can make you understand better cause he knows you better.
  • Driving force (goals): 
Why some student are not able to study for long or they are not interested in the study but they have to study because everyone is studying. I will tell you why.
when you ask a topper that what is your goal? then he will definitely tell you that he wants to be an engineer, a doctor, a pilot, or an army officer. he has a driving force which gives him energy to hard work continuously.
Now you have to decide what all you want to achieve in your life and then what is the importance of study in that. You must take the help of your seniors, relatives, parents and your teachers. They can tell you the right path and also can motivate you to study.
  • Quality, not only the quantity: 
Many times we see that most of us study sometimes for say three hours then don't study for a whole day thinking that three hours are much, regardless of thinking that was that three hours of study was helpful to me or not.
no matter you sit for 10 hours a day for study, what matter is the quality of the study instead of the quantity. So from now, you should focus on the contents or portion studied from your syllabus rather than on the times spent on studying them.
  • Always review: 
Most of us have the issue that what we study before some time, we forget about that. Well, this is the problem of everyone but one thing you can do is revise things on regular basis.
also, you can use various methods so that you could remember things for a long time. Here is a video on how can you do that.
  • Don't copy the study style of others develop your own style: 
Most of the student love to see how the toppers study and try to follow the same pattern to study without analyzing their capacity, capability and the habit of doing that.

if a person is comfortable to study in the night then it doesn't mean that you will also be comfortable. you should spend some time to develop your own study pattern. schedule, timing and all that.

well, there is nowhere written that studying in the morning is more useful, you can study whenever your mind is ready to learn something.

Well, this is all about this post, see you in the next article. For now, if you like the ideas of this post, make sure to share and follow us to stay updated.

Thanks for reading..


chinki said…
Great tips
Rum Tan said…
Exams are frightening for most students but this is normal. Problems come when you start to doubt yourself. To pass in the exam, there are no shortcuts. Hard work alone can help you pass exams. Most Important thing we’ve already said that the simplest things can make a huge difference in your studies. The location you pick is no exception. You must pick a suitable study area.