How to be self motivated to study hard regularly?

Self Motivation tips for students

Today, we are so lazy, that we need to watch motivational videos for wake up in the morning, to exercise, and of course, sit for the study. 
Now it is the time to motivate by self without any external sources.

study motivation

First thing we have to understand, that we human being are not made for doing uncomfortable, scary, difficult and uncertain thing as our mind is programmed such but, if we have to get good grades, top the class, get admission in the dream college or getting a good job, we need to do things that are uncomfortable, scary, uncertain things and this is the main reason of all the problem right?

Also read: 7 steps to stop procrastination in the study.

Although self motivation is very wast topic, however In this article, I am going to tell you 7 steps which you can follow to be self motivate and study hard regularly.

1. Keeping your dreams in your head 24*7- Write your dream and paste in at few places in your house:
It is very important that you remind your dreams and goal every time no matter what you are doing.

The best way to do it, write your goals and dream you want to get after one year, or two year(for which you are studying), and make few xerox copies of it. And paste in into your room, bathroom, and everywhere you can paste. 

2. Ask your self, how important your goal is and what should be the cost of it?
We all have certain goals in life, but very few of us analyse the real importance and other aspects of that goal.

How important this goal is for you? and actually what can you do for it? when you ask yourself this question again and again, you will be far ahead from your so many competitors.

3.Then ask, how many other students have the same desire and goal?
Either you want to get into your dream college, or want to get your dream job, If you really know and accept that there are hundreds of thousand people want the same thing and fighting for them.

And some are very desperate to defeat you, cause it is their last chance, For some of your competitors, it is do or die situation.

4.Now ask, are you a genius? who can do this in one night?
There may be some people who are extra ordinary and we are not talking about them right now, But if you think that you are also like most of us, then you must hard work to get that position. (be honest yourself, marks do not matter in competition).

5.Now ask, what am I doing right now?
This is the most important question I use to ask my self whenever I remind that - what am I doing right now?

  • Does it going to help me achieving my goal?
  • Does it will be help others?
  • Does it help in improving myself?
  • Can I learn something from it?
You will definitely know what you have to do if you honestly answer this question.

6.Write down the cost of each day of your education utilities and add the expected salary you will get after finishing the study.
This is not to disappoint you but, this is necessary.(do this if you are above 15). Take a calculator and calculate the cost of one day of your education, your college, hostel, books, pocket money. 

Also add the salary of your future job you will get after finishing the study.

It will give you just the feeling that if you do not study one day, how much you will loose.

7. Act like your own boss and give instructions to yourself.
Now you have the idea of how much you will lose if you do not study right? Now how will you give order to yourself if you are your boss? It is up to you that how do you get your task done by yourself.

If you follow these above 7 steps, I believe it will be helpful to you to get up and study and work regularly without distractions.


              9 tips for self motivation for students

1. Do not start big no matter how much motivated you are:
This is the common mistakes done by most of us. So, making three small goals for a day is better than making a big goal.

2.Celebrate your little wins/successes:
There is a science behind this. When we celebrate small wins, then a good feeling is generated in our mind. And those small tasks like completing assignments, studying for two hours etc, get associated with that good feeling and we start enjoying the task as well after sometimes.

3.Be thankful to what you have:
If you are searching for "how to be self motivated to study hard", it means that you are lucky enough to get the education cause there are still millions of people who wish for college education.

So, always be thankful to your parents, and god for what you already have and believe me, you can do everything with that.

4.Stop complaining and start finding the solutions:
Few students have some special type of excuses like:
  • My teachers are not good
  • My parents do not support me etc
At the end, no body will be interested in your excuses when you will be out of time. So, the best way to deal with these situation is, stop complaining and start finding the solution.

5. Stop over thinking about everything:
Overthinking is the biggest reason to procrastinate. If you do not let your mind create any other thought then just do, you will have no choice. 

In the other hand, when you start overthinking, your mind finds so many other ways and choices to delay and convince yourself.

6. Make a good friend circle:
As a famous person said "we are the average people of 5 closest people to ourselves"
 This is true that we can't change our parents right? But we can change our friend circle with whom we spend our most of the time.

Make a friend circle of really smart people, and you will feel automatic improvement.

7.Stay aware all the time: 
All day we do so many things that are not really planned. Also those do not add real value to our goals right? 
The solution is, Awareness. It will automatically tell you what you are doing is right or wrong. (little bit social relations is important but not much)

8.Make a habit to read self help book:
Is there any way by which we can increase our understanding level and change the way of looking at differnt things in life? YES.

Almost all successful people read self help books regularly to increase their level of understanding in each aspects of life.

9.Watch the interviews of successful people rather than watching motivational videos:
Watching motivation videos is a good habit, however you will start to need motivation for everything you have to do.

If you watch the interviews of successful people in your field, they will share their problems, solution and experience. Also, when you will see their lifestyle, you would like to be like them. And that time, "Studying even 14 hours a day will be a cup of tea for you".

Note: Starting is the most difficult part of any task, No matter how many times you are not able to wake up in the morning, or sit on the study table for even 2 hours, until you are willing to do it again, fail again, fail better.

Everything will change one day, even this darkness!

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Thank for reading.