How to focus on study | How to avoid distractions during study?

How can I focus on my studies or how to concentrate on my studies, Almost all of us have asked these questions in our student life again and again.

Mostly, we get some temporary solution to this and after some time we face this problem again. And we find some motivational videos to motivate yourself.

Motivational videos can make you get up from your bed and help you to study for that time, but this is also not the permanent solution. Now, you will need motivation every time when you have to study.

So, today We will try to understand this problem and find some permanent solution. If you like the post, pls do comment and share it with your friends and family.

Why it is difficult to focus on studies continuously?

Let me ask you a simple question- Do you need the motivation to play a video game on your computer? or do you need to focus to study before 5 hours of your exam?

Of course, the answer would be a big No right? If you Observe the situations of study (which need more efforts on concentration and focus), you will find these below things in common:
  1. We are less or almost not interested in studying that time.
  2. We are not clear about how and what do we have to study. Or the lack of information.
  3. We do not have any deadlines generally to complete the study.
  4. We believe in one night fight for the exam.
  5. Negative friends who are worst than us.
  6. We have too many means of wasting time such as mobile phones, laptops, games, friends, and much more.
  7. And the most important, we have convinced yourself that I can do it after some time.

Things you should Do to focus/concentrate on your study especially when you have very less time left.

1. Set the small few goals rather than daily one goal:

When the focus is the problem, then if you set the goals like-
  • In next two hours- I have to finish two topics
  • Before lunch, I have to finish one chapter.
  • Before evening I have to finish two chapter 
  • Before sleep, I have to finish one unit of a subject.
Depending on the time left, you can set your goals. But if you set small goals, you will be able to complete at least 75% of your goals which will motivate you next time to complete more than 75% of goals.

2. Write your experience in a diary:

After time finishes of completing the goal, whether you have completed the goal or not, you have to write your experience in a diary. 
If you have completed the goal, appreciate yourself and if not completed, write the excuses honestly. And do it for every goal but do not take more than 5-10 minute on this. 

When you will repeat the same excuses again, you will be aware of it next time.

3. Choose the right Environment for study:

The ideal environment would be an empty room with a table and chair. If you have not one like that, do not worry, choose a quiet place where no one can disturb you.

4. Avoid study music/select right music:

When we listen to music, part of our mind gets engaged with the song, especially with the vocals. If you really want to listen to music, they refer to the instrumental or classic songs without vocals. It will increase your concentration.

5. Meditate before each study session:

Meditating here means just close your eyes and sit in comfortable position and focus on your breathing and tell yourself that I have to study for this session(two or maximum three hours). It will increase your willpower to sit for study without getting distracted.

6. Just lock out the distractions:

If you have less time in your exam, then you need to spend more time on study right? Set one or two times for the TV and mobile phones (say once in afternoon after lunch and once after dinner).
It will keep your mind away from the gadgets at the time of study once you have convinced yourself that, it is not the time for that.

7. Making study slots ( at least three):

I personally do not believe in the study schedules of every hour. It makes us frustrated only when we are not able to follow the routine.

Rather you can make the study schedule like:
  • Study one chapter before breakfast or 9 a.m.
  • Study one chapter of another subject before lunch or 2:00 p.m.
  • Study one chapter of "xyz" subject before dinner.
  • And last one chapter before going to sleep.
This way you can study for almost 10 hours and the best part, you can shift your study time slightly without destroying your routine.

And the early you finish, the more motivated you will feel to start the next slot of study.

8.Reward/Punish after work done (As you are boss of yourself):

As a human being, we love gifts and rewards and hates punishments. And we do hard work also for getting rewards and to avoid punishments right?. The same concept you can apply in the study to increase the focus.
You can reward yourself as:
  • I will eat my favorite ice cream after finishing the subject.
  • I will play a game for 20 minutes after I finish studying two hours.
  • I will talk to my mother when I will finish the exercise of one chapter etc.
You can punish yourself as:
  • I will not speak for next two hours
  • I will not eat my favorite ice cream for two days
  • I will not use the Facebook for two days. etc.
The punishment really not not mean to heart you, if you will be able to do it, you will be able to understand that, I will increase your self control and help you to improve your concentration and focus for study. 

9. Remove the laziness by these practical tips:

Laziness may be the reason for the less focus. You can get rid of laziness by these tips:
  • Take bath daily
  • Eat good food including breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Keep your room neat and clean- It also affect the laziness.
  • Go for a walk in morning and evening.
  • Exercise for at least two times for 30 minutes each in morning and evening.

10. Reminder after every 30 minutes:

We usually do not think of getting distracted, It happens automatically right?
Focus is a skill and you can not think of mastering it in one day right?
You need to check after every 30 minutes or one hour when you are studying that, Are you actually studying or just looking at the textbook and thinking about the dress of your friend you saw on the Facebook post?

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So, guys, These was the tips you can use to focus on your study. Do comment how you like it and share it with your friends and family.
Finally, thanks for reading.