Best way to Study for exams in one day | 20 Tips to Prepare for exam in one day.

How to pass the exam in a day and a night?

How to pass the exam in one night?" looks pretty impossible right? well, it is not.
Most of the students are pretty well in doing that every semester.  

Try to take this article positively because this is not to deviate serious students from the regular study, but to guide and help some students to keep calm and make them believe that it's never late for the study even if they have only one day left in the exam.

Before telling you the tips, this is strictly not advisable to study only one night before the exam cause, no doubt you will pass the exam with one night study however, you will not be able to gain knowledge, as it is important to qualify a competitive exam to get your dream college like IIT's, NIT's.

Well, let’s come to the "solution"

 20 Tips to Prepare for the exam in one day.

  • Believe in your self:
We always listen it's never too late right? Well, I don't know about other things, however, if you have even one day, it is really not late to score better on the exam.

Many students have done it and many are doing. Just keep calm and take responsibility that no matter what has happened, I will take action from now. 
  • The right attitude:
At this time keeping calm is very important. I know it very difficult. Just you will have to believe that only the actions can give you the result and you should start as soon as possible.
Also, you have to keep in mind clearly that:

  1. You are studying for marks, not for the knowledge.(cause you have very less time)
  2. You do not have to study for 95%, so study and give your time accordingly.
  3. Only the action will give you the result, not thinking, so stop thinking and start doing. (Stop procrastination)
  • Analyse the syllabus:
Analysing the syllabus will tell you what portion of your notebook has to be left and what not Because many students also have to study unuseful things which are not going to come in the exam.
  • Analyse the question paper pattern:
Well, this is important because, by the question paper pattern, you will get to know that what type of question is going to come in the exam for more marks and you will be able to finish them first.
  1. If your exam has a maximum objective question, then give time accordingly, and leave the lengthy questions.
  2. Again, if your exam is subjective, then leave an objective question for later and finish the subjective questions first.
  • Finish and secure the easy chapters first:
Finishing easy chapters first will take less time and increase your confidence as well which is very necessary if you want to pass the exam in one day right?

So, make a sequence of the chapters you will finish from easiest to the hardest.
  • Apply 80-20 Principle:
In almost every exam, almost 20 to 40% questions get repeated again and again. If you solve those questions, you can easily secure 30% marks.

So, arrange previous years question of last five years and solve them when you finish studying. It will give you confidence for the exam.
  • Make a deadline to finish the chapters:
As you have very less time to study, it is important for you to kill the procrastination. See how to deal with procrastination in the study.

If you set the deadlines, it will create an internal push to finish the topics and chapters on time.
  • Make yourself physically able to do that:
Only the motivation can not help you to study for long hours which will be needed to study in one day right? 

So, it is also important to make yourself physically fit also. I am not telling you to join a gym or something, Just take balanced and complete meals and do exercise two times a day for at least half an hour each time.
  • Select your study material wisely:
It is better to carry one small book on a subject and finish it completely than a thick book and finish one chapter only right?

My suggestion is, you should prefer only these study material before one day:
  1. Your class notebook, if you don't have, take from your friend and make xerox as soon as possible. Your handwritten notes would work the best.
  2. Previous year question paper of last five years.
  3.  That's all.
If you have still time left, you can study anything you want from the books.
  • Arrange all study material in advance:
Before start studying, manage and arrange all study material which you will require during the study. It will maintain your flow in the study.

Getting up unnecessarily and going to your friend's house for notes can distract you from your study.
  • Make a list of important topics:
To utilize most of our remaining time, you should finish important and easy topics first of the easy chapters.

So, making a list of important topics from each topic can save your most of the time. Start with the easy chapter and finish important questions of that chapter first.
  • Read and speak loudly:
 Due to the lack of time, you will have to make the best of your time and study such a way so that you require less time for the revision. And, reading loudly is one of them. 

The science behind reading loudly-  When we speak and read loudly, our reading speed is decreased and hence we focus more on the words and contents. That's why the processing speed is increased. And we understand more.
  • Make short notes of important terms as you finish a topic:
This is the trick used by almost every toppers. Especially for competitive exams.
Once you finished a topic, you got to know what is important to remember and what not.

Now if you think that you can forget any terms or concept, add it to your short notes. 

Keep in mind that your short notes of one chapter should not exceed more than two pages. This how you can revise the whole chapter in less than 10 minutes.
  • Teach a friend:
Now as we are discussing to study the syllabus in one day, so we are also going to need a strong way of revision. Cause we can not recite the syllabus again and again right?

And let me tell you, that there is no any better way of revision than teaching.
It is less time consuming, effective, reliable and Easy. Just find a friend who would like to listen and study from you.

Teaching enables you to retain up to 95% of what you have studied. See the data.
  • Remove all disturbing elements from your room:
Again it is very important to utilize your time in study right? If you have only one day left, you should give your most of the time in study. 

So, remove or the best way is- Give your all electronic gadgets and mobile phone to your mother or father. They will take care of it better and will be happy as well.
  • Do not forget to solve previous year questions:
As I have suggested above, many questions get repeated again and again. So, solving previous year question can be a game changer for you.

But, keep it for the last. Solve them after you finish your study. 
  • Mark and leave the very difficult questions:
As I talked earlier in the right attitude, Some questions are only for the toppers and set to leave for 95% of the students. So, be smart and leave that question. Identify them and do not waste your time to study them.

Well, if you still have time in the last, you can go for them.
  • Choose Numerical questions over the theory question:
Be smart in reading the content. Every chapter has few numerals. And numerical are definitely asked in the exam. Secure marks by studying the numerical first.

Also, you can easily score full marks in numerical question if you do it right and get the answer, However, in theoretical question, in spite of writing a complete answer, you hardly get full marks.
  • Study from your friend in case you left the lectures:
Studying from one of your friends can save your double time you will take in self-study.

Tell your friend the benefits of teaching if he is not ready to teach you!
  • Avoid group study:
Group study looks cool, but it is not as it takes a lot of time. And we talk about everything but not about the study in the group discussion right?

Group study may be good before one or two weeks before the exam but not the last day.

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These are some tips which we hope will be helpful for you.
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